Giovedì 18 Luglio 2024
nel mondoin Europain ItaliaProgramma
dalle Caritas diocesane
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Article II°   versione testuale


Article 14

Reletionships with other bodies

Caritas Italiana is a member of Caritas Internationalis. Caritas Italiana keeps understanding and cooperation relationships with Italian and foreign national bodies and with the international organisations inspired by Christian values and whose activities are pertinent to its goals. By appointment of the Italian Episcopal Conference Board of Directors and according to the agreements in force, Caritas Italiana has special relationships with civil institutions in order to carry out particular initiatives and services.


Article 15

Council of the charitable and relief organisations

Caritas Italiana is a member of the Council of the Charitable and Relief Organisations inspired by Christian values, established by the Italian Episcopal Conference.


Article 16

Relationships with the Italian Episcopal Conference Bodies and Offices

Caritas Italiana has relations with the Italian Episcopal Conference bodies and offices, according to the statute of the latter. In particular, it takes part in joined meetings called by the General Secretary of the Italian Episcopal Conference for the activities coordination.


Article 17

Programme, budget and balance sheet

a) Every year, by the end of September, Caritas Italiana submits to the Italian Episcopal Conference the programme and budget for the legally binding approval which has to be transmitted at most within 30 days since the presentation. b) Every year, by the end of may, Caritas Italiana presents a report on the previous year activity and the balance sheet to the Italian Episcopal Conference Board of Directors for the approval c) The general collections for interventions in case of calamity, to be organised according article 3/c, have to be authorised each time by the Italian Episcopal Conference Board of Directors; a detailed report on the utilisation of the funds collected has to be presented to the National Council as well as to the Italian Episcopal conference Board of Directors.


Article 18

Financial means

Caritas Italiana does not run any kind of social service nor owns real estate for purposes other that institutional ones. It receives the financial means necessary to implement its objectives as follows: a) from the income of its property; b) from ordinary and extraordinary collections; c) from eventual bequests, donations and offerings.


Article 19

Allocation of the offerings

According to art. 1267,§ 3 of the Canon Code the offerings received for a specific goal must be only used in order to reach that goal.


Article 20

Extraordinary business acts

For the extraordinary business acts, concerning amounts of money exceeding the minimum amount fixed by the Italian Episcopal Conference in conformity with art. 1292, §1 of the Canon Code, Caritas Italiana has to ask for the authorisation of the Italian Episcopal Conference Board of Directors. This authorisation is not needed for the transfer of the offerings collected in case of calamity or for development programmes.


Article 21

Regional Delegates

The Regional Delegates are appointed by their respective Regional Episcopal Conferences in conformity with article 11/c, on proposal of the Directors of the Diocesan Caritas of the Region. The Regional Delegates: a) have the right to be part of the National Council; b) cooperate to the implementation of the deliberations and guidelines of the Regional Episcopal Conferences, for the problems relating to charitable commitment; c) they keep the contacts between the Diocesan Caritas of their respective Regions, assisting them in their activities, guiding the common initiatives, especially those concerning training.


Article 22

Relationships with Diocesan Caritas

Caritas Italiana Cooperates with Diocesan Caritas but does not take any responsibility as to their actions.


Article 23

Duration of offices

The General Director, The Vice Directors, the Treasurer and the Auditor's Committee stay in office for five years and they cannot be re-elected more than once, for a total of ten year uninterrupted office. The Regional Delegates and the other members of the National Council hold their office for five years and cannot be re-elected. With regard to this article, the years already in office before this statute came into force are taken into consideration.


Article 24

Devolution of the property

In case Caritas Italiana is suppressed its property is devolved to the Italian Episcopal Conference that will destine it to charitable actions.


Article 25

Coming into force

This statute will come into force after the approval of the Italian Episcopal Conference Permanent Episcopal Council and one month after it is published on the "Bulletin" of the Italian Episcopal Conference.


Article 26

Reference regulations

Regarding any question non previewed in the present Statute, please refer to Canonical Regulations and to the actual laws, on the matter, of the ecclesiastical institutions,


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